Maintaining Historical Value with a Modern Twist

Why Hire a Professional Remodeling Company?
Many homeowners dream of completing their own renovations on a home. While it can be a satisfying feeling when the job is complete, home remodeling can also present challenges and complexities that require careful planning and execution. From budget constraints and design decisions to construction delays and unforeseen issues, there are various factors that must be navigated throughout the remodeling process.
Effective communication with contractors, realistic expectations, and a clear timeline are essential for successful outcomes. That’s where the professionals at Kraus Remodeling come in. We take care of everything, start to finish, and execute a plan that’s up to code and up to your exact standards. Contact us today for a free estimate to get started!
Our Reputation, Your Guarantee
Remodeling Magic:
Happy Homeowners Speak Out
Dexter’s Remodeling Questions Answered
Overall, Dexter residents prioritize enhancing both style and functionality, often incorporating Michigan’s natural beauty in their design. Key elements frequently favor maximizing natural light, embracing open floor plans, and implementing energy-efficient upgrades. Kitchen and bathroom remodels are the most popular projects, but our team can renovate any space!
While it’s impossible to say for certain, typically speaking, the more you put into a remodel, the more you’ll get out of it later. That said, even minor updates can provide an attractive return on investment! At Kraus Remodeling, our team offers free estimates and the highest quality workmanship to help you maximize your remodeling investment.
The possibility largely hinges on the size and complexity of the project. Smaller remodels often allow for continued occupancy. However, larger-scale endeavors like whole-home remodels may require alternative accommodations to facilitate the completion of the project. Our team will make sure to talk this over in the consultation phase so you can prepare for the time it will take to complete the project.

Start Your Remodeling Project Today
The Kraus Remodeling team takes pride in maintaining the essence and history of a property while bringing the space into the future. Connect with our team to get started today on your plan.
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